All pricing plans include every feature of Evluate. We’ve designed our plans to be fully inclusive, ensuring businesses of all sizes can access the complete range of Evluate's capabilities without any restrictions.
Yes, we offer a free plan that comes with a limited number of credits. These credits allow you to create and manage assessments, providing a hands-on experience with Evluate before deciding on a paid plan.
No, our pricing plans are not customizable. Instead, we offer a range of pre-designed plans tailored to meet the diverse needs of companies of different sizes. Each plan is inclusive of all platform features.
Yes, you can change your plan anytime. Each plan includes a set amount of credits, and you have the flexibility to purchase more credits as per your need.
No, there are no hidden costs. However, applicable taxes may be added to your payment plan, depending on your location and local regulations. These taxes will be clearly listed on your invoices.
No, there is no minimum contract length. You can purchase credits as needed, and they never expire. This gives you complete flexibility over your usage.
Currently, each plan supports one user per account, with credits used by that user. We plan to introduce multi-user account options in the future, allowing credits to be shared among all users within a single account.
We provide a ticketing system for both company users and applicants. Users can submit a support ticket with their issue, and our team is dedicated to resolving all queries as quickly as possible. This feature is available within the Evluate platform.
Yes, we offer plans tailored to different company sizes, with higher-tier plans providing more credits at better value. This allows you to benefit from additional credits when opting for larger plans. Refer to the pricing menu for the same.